Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Ruendy Mendoza - ZUES

                                            The God of Gods

            Zeus was the sixth son of Cronus and Rhea. Cronus ate all of his sons right after they were born because of fear that they would conquer him. Zeus was the sixth born child to Cronus and Rhea and because of fear of them conquering him Cronus swallowed the first five children he had. Rhea started getting real mad about this so when Zeus was born Rhea tricked Cronus into swallowing a stone. Then Rhea sent Zeus to a far away island and was guarded by Amaltheia and by shield-clashing Kourets. Zeus grew up and drew lots with his brothers and he won to become the supreme ruler of the Gods. Zues had three wives and had many children, one of the most common known is Hercules. Also Zeus was represented the God of Justice, mercy and punisher of the wicked. Zeus was immortal and could never be killed. He was the kind of the gods and goddess. Zeus lived at the top of Mount Olympus, and his weapons were a lighting bold, thunder, and storms. His impact in society was to keep everything fair. He settled fights between other gods and also punished the criminals.

First five children swallowed were:
  • Poseidon 
  • Hades
  • Hera
  • Demeter
  • Hestia   
 Zeus Wives who bore him his children :
  • Metos; Athena
  • Themis; Dike, Eirene, Eunomia, Horea, and Fates
  • Titaness; 9 children who became the Muses
  • Leto; Twins - Appolo and Artemis 
  • Hera who became his final wife
  1.  More Information:
 Roman name; Jupiter 
 He had two special attendants 
  1. Nike ( Goddess of Victory )
  2. Hebes ( Goddess of youth )
Lived at the top of Mount Olympus
Supreme God and Ruler of Olympus
His bird is the Eagle
His tree is the Oak

For more information visit these Websites:      

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