Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Ariadne R. Aphrodite

Aphrodite was the Greek Goddess of love, beauty,marriage,  and the protector of sailors.It is said that she was born when Cronus was castrated by Uranus and his part was thrown into the sea, Aphrodite was thus born and arose on a large shell, which was then carried to land,thus her name being translated ''foam risen'',she is also known as the daughter of Zeus and Dione. Myths say she was  the most beautiful of all goddess.She was one of the most popular Olympians.Ancient Greeks and Romans believed these powerful gods ruled the world from Mount Olympus.People often asked Aphrodite to help them find love.Aphrodite was really beautiful, Zeus saw how all the male gods fell in love with Aphrodite's beauty. He  worried  they would start arguing about her and make a big cause. To prevent them from fighting, Zeus made Aphrodite marry his son Hephaestus the ugliest of all gods. Aphrodite did not love Hephaestus, she loved Ares.Her love for Ares angered Hephaestus, one day he told Aphrodite he was going away for a few days but it was a lie.When Ares and Aphrodite were together a net fell on top of them and that's when Hephaestus came in.He was so angry that he called every god so Ares and Aphrodite would be embarrassed.Poseidon fell in love with Aphrodite at first site.So he suggested that Ares should pay for the marriage gifts.Poseidon then gladly serve as guarantor,witch means that if Ares defaults Poseidon would take Aphrodite as his wife. Ares did ultimately default, but Hephaestus was still in love with his wife that he didn't want a divorce .So he never brought it up again.Hermes also fell in love with Aphrodite.But when she rejected him Hermes requested Zeus's help. The king of god send an eagle to steal one of her sandals.To retrieve it she was forced to submit to Hermes. The child they had conceived was a double sexed child.Aphrodite had more children exactly she had 20 children, but  they were all from different gods!

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