Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Miranda Lukee -Loki-

Loki,or also known as The Trickster or Sly One, is a Norse God.But Loki is not a complete Norse God.Loki had tricked the gods into making him a god.Loki is a shape changer.That means that he can change into anything he wants to from a old woman to the size of a flea. Loki hated the other gods that were from Asgard. He had wanted to over throw or become more powerful than the other gods. Loki was believed to be the cause for the death of Balder. Loki, of course was not always bad. In fact sometimes Loki would help the other gods or even sometimes get them into trouble.It was said that after the war that had happened between Aesir and Vanir, Asgard didn't have a defensive wall anymore. So one day a rock giant that had disguised himself so he would not be killed, had offered to build the wall only if he had something in return. The gods did not want to have the rock giant do the job. But Loki had stepped into the picture and had the gods be tricked into letting the rock giant do the job.The gods had agreed, but only if the rock giant could do the job in a matter of time.The gods,including Loki, had thought that the rock giant was alone.But the rock giant had a horse that had helped build the wall. Three days before the wall was finished, Loki had turned himself into a mare and led the horse away from the job. A few months later Loki had returned with an eight-legged child that was named Svaldifari. But since Loki was agile,attractive,and a joker, his attributes had gotten him into deep trouble frequently.As the years passed the gods had saw how much Loki was immature.The gods had begun not to fall for his tricks anymore and had started to tease him. The more that they had teased him the more evil that Loki had become.Loki had ran away from the gods and had three more children that were monsters. The children that he had was Fenrir the wolf,Midgard the serpent,and Hel goddess of the underworld.After learning that Loki had these three children,the gods had sent out to find the children. The children were found and taken to the Norns. The Norns are gods that can predict a baby's life.They were taken to the Norns because the gods had predicted that they were going to cause harm or death to other gods.The Norns had believed that Fenrir the wolf was more evil than his two siblings.So Fenrir was taken to a place were he was strapped down so he would not escape and harm other gods. After learning that his children were captured, Loki became more evil than ever.In order to get his revenge, Loki had shown up at a banquet that he was not invited to.He had disguised himself as a woman and asked a fellow god if all plants had agreed to be kind to Balder and other gods.After the fellow god had said that the name of one plant that did not agree,Loki had sent out to find it. After finding the plant Loki had made the plant into a dart.He returned to the banquet and asked Balder if he wanted to play a game that involved throwing darts at him.Balder had agreed since he knew that everything that was thrown at him would avoid him.Hod was tricked by Loki to throw the poisonous dart at Balder.Loki had helped Balder aim.Everyone that was at the banquet had believed that the dart would miss.But the dart had pierced Balder in the heart.After seeing the death of Balder,everyone had turned to the woman that Loki had disguised himself as.Loki had took off running after they had figured out that the woman was Loki.Loki had tried jumping into the water and turning himself as a fish.But the gods knew his tricks and captured him in a net.They took Loki to this mountain top where they had chained him to a rock.On top of the rock was a venomous snake that would drip poison onto his face.In order to stop the pain,his wife Sigyn, would put a bowl over his head and catch the venom.But when she had to dump the bowl,the venom would drip onto Loki's face and cause him agonizing pain him.It is said that Loki will stay chained up until Ragnarok.When Ragnarok comes,Loki should be able to slip free from his chains and go into battle with the god Heimdallr.From there the two will battle until one of them slays the other.
Loki and his wife Sigyn

Fenrir the eldest of Loki's children is bound in order to stop him from killing the god Odin.
Midgard Serpent was the middle child and has grown big enough to surround the world.It's believed Midgard holds the world,and if Midgard lets go,the world will end.
Hel was the last child and god of the underworld.
Loki's family tree.

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