Tuesday, October 11, 2011

marcos ruvalcaba - Hephaestus god of fire

Have you  ever heard of the god Hephaestus? Well  here are some facts about Hephaestus did you know he was the god of fire and forge and blacksmiths. His  strengths are metal working, and his symbol is fire, forge,  hammer, axe and pincers. Hephaestus is married to Aphrodite but she has affairs with Ares god of war. His parents are Zeus and Hera but some say just Hera. His forge is in a volcano and worked with the one eyed cyclops. He  also created  the first women named Pandora. He was  also thrown of mount Olympus and found by a naiad  and made her jewelry. Then Hera asked for her son back. He was the blacksmith of the gods and made weapons for a war.                       

   Hephaestus  he sat next to Poseidon on Olympus, throne was made of metal and he was two thrones away from his dad Zeus.  when he walks he's wobbling because of his dad thrown him off Olympus.   I think  people  made sacrifices  to him because he's the god of blacksmith. So blacksmiths made sacrifices  so they could make the best  weapons. Also he created  the fire he is god of forge. Also he made weapons for wars so they have to give him sacrifices.

    Hephaestus lived in Athens and there the blacksmiths  really loved him. Hephaestus used his axe to cut open his skull and the Athena came out fully armed ready for battle.  His name in roman is Vulcan short for volcano. He got revenge on Hera because she rejected him he built a throne that when she sat on it she was trapped. The gods asked him to release her but he said no he released Hera and for that his re ward was that Aphrodite would be his bride.  That's the god I did  in this report so I hope you learned a lot about him.


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