Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Robert Sandoval - Anubis

 Anubis was said to be the son of Osiris and Isis. Anubis had the head of a jackal and body of a man. He invented the embalming process. He was known as lord of mummy wrapings. Invented process of mummification. Protected graves from robbers.

 He was the patron of lost souls. He would measure the heart with the feather of truth. He had the posistion Osiris would have. His wife was called Anput. He had the scepter carried by kings.He was said to have a daughter who looked like a snake.

  Was known as Lord of Embalming. Helped Isis bring Osiris back to life. associated with the eye of Horus.was worshiped in all Egypt. He was also called Ienpw. His name meant royal child. Priests wore Anubis masks during the process of mummification.He was called jackal ruler of bows he was called this because he fought of Egypt's nine enemies. 

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