Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Leslie Valles-Tezcatlipoca


Tezcatlipoca was the god of the sun and moon (He controlled the light). He was one of the four sons of Ometeotl. Tezcatlipoca means smoking mirror and he was known to take the form of a jaguar. He was very important in the Aztec culture. He is one of the five suns in the Aztec calendar. He even has his own temple that has 80 steps and is 14 ft. wide. His worst enemy was Quetzalcoatl.

Their battles destroyed the earth four different times. But together they created the fifth world(which is suppose to end some with earthquakes) . They created the fifth world by capturing Cipactli with Tezcatlipoca foot and killing her. That's why in the picture above Tezcatlipoca has no foot.

But their battles had a huge impact in their society. When Tezcatlipoca and Quetzalcoatl destroyed the world four different times they had to create the fifth world. The only way they could create the world was by capturing Cipactli, the goddess of humanity, and killing her. They captured her by using Tezcatlipoca's foot as bait. That's why in pictures he often shown with no foot.So the Aztec's believed that they had to sacrifice people every day so the gods stay happy and so they can thank Cipactli for her misery to let them stay alive. They also believed that if they didn't sacrifice someone every day Tezcatlipoca would be angry with them and black out the sun so there would be no more light. So that's why the Aztec's scarified so many people every day.

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