Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Elizeth A. Athena

Athena is a Greek goddess.She is the goddess of wisdom and courage. She is also the goddess of useful arts, such as weaving, farming, cooking, and playing music. Athena was the protector of heroes like Jason, Hercules,and Odysseus. Athena gave these heroes advice and gifts to help them on their adventures. Athena was one of the 12 Olympians. Ancient Greek and Romans believed these powerful gods ruled the world from Mount Olympus. Athena was the daughter of Zeus. The Titan Metes was Athena's mother. The story is that Zeus was afraid that one of his son's might take over. When he knew that Metes was pregnant he swallowed her whole. A few months later he had a really bad headache he asked his son, Hephaestus to cut his head open and see what was going on. When Hephaestus did what he was told. Athena and Metes jumped out. Athena was born fully dressed. Ancient Greek believed that the goddess Athena invented many things like ships and chariots. The people of Attica named their capital city "Athens". Athena's symbols are the olive trees, snakes, aegis, armors, helmets, and spears. The owl represents wisdom. The snake is the symbol of creation, fertility, regenerative force. The helmet and spear represents victory in war, and the aegis means protective war. The owl is more than a symbol, that is how she sometimes appears. Her roman equivalent is "Minerva". Athena had many half brothers and sisters, some of them are Apollo, Aphrodite, Ares, Hephaestus, and Hermes. Athena did not have children, she was virgin.

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