Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Carmen Rodriguez - The Greek Goddess of Love

      Do you ever worry about your love troubles? If you have, then you should think about the Greek Goddess of love, Aphrodite! Aphrodite was from Greece. She was born out of sea foam when her dad (Zeus or Ouranos) was cut and blood dripped into the sea. The blood started to foam and then a giant sea shell rose out of the sea and on top was a beautiful, full grown, Aphrodite. It's still a mystery who her real parents were but let's not get to into that. She was one of the twelve Olympians. Mount Olympus was obviously in Greece if Aphrodite was the Greek Goddess of love. Well then, we should get a little bit more into Aphrodite herself.

      Aphrodite had a big role in her society. She was the Goddess of love (as I mentioned before) and beauty. She was in charge of all love situations including marriages. She would make a person fall in love with you and then you would make a sacrifice to her. You had to be grateful or else she would either curse you or make the people not love each other anymore. All love, marriage, and beauty problems would mean you would have to pray to Aphrodite if you were a Greek. What a difficult role huh? If all the love gossip is bad at school, imagine all the Greeks!

      Moving on, Aphrodite had a great impact on society. All things love and beauty were her responsibility. Everyone who wanted to get lucky in love had to pray to Aphrodite. If you were ungrateful, Aphrodite would do bad things to you. Like one couple, she turned them into lions. She was vain, bad tempered, jealous, and unfaithful. That's the reason she was married to Hephaestus, the God of blacksmith, but loved Ares, the God of war. She didn't care if what she did was wrong. She knew her husband would forgive her because of her beauty. She put a curse on Eos because she got jealous of her affair with Ares. See how mean she can be? Well that's pretty much it! Now, you know as much as I know about the Greek Goddess of love and beauty Aphrodite as me!

        Aphrodite's Affairs:
  • Ares
  • Dionysus
  • Hephaestus
  • Poseidon
  • Hermes
  • Adonis
  • Anchises
      Aphrodite's Kids:
  • Eros
  • Phobos
  • Deimos
  • Harmonia
  • Pothos
  • Anteros
  • Himeros
  • Hermaphroditos
  • Rhode
  • Eryx
  • Peitho
  • Tyche
  • Eunomia
  • Priapus 
  • Aeneas
    Other Information: 
  • Roman Name: Venus
  • Animal: Dolphin, Dove, Sparrow, and Swan
  • Flower: Rose
  • Item: Girdle and Mirror 

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