Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Hope Moore- Nyx,the greek goddess of night

    Nyx is a old goddess, she was at the way beginning she was before the titans.Who she is and her family,  Nyx is the goddess of night, she is the daughter of Chaos, she had no mother. her siblings are Erebus, Gaia, and Tartarutus. the goddess has many kids such as,Hypnos (god of sleep), Thantos(death), Momus(blame), Moros(doom), Charion(the ferryman of Hades), Oreiroin(dreams),the Moirae, the Keres, and the Hesperides(the three fates), Nemeisis(retribution), Apate(deception), Philotes(friends) Geras(age),and Eris(strife), she had all those kids on her own. She had Aether(air) and Hermerma(day) with her brother Erebus.Erebus is said to be her consort in some stories. Nyx is most of the time seen with wings driving a chariot with the night all around her, she is sometimes seen as a shadowy figure as well, might have been wearing a dark  gown with mist around her.

     Nyx was older, and had more power then Zeus, her son Hypnos ran to her when he on Hera comand put Zeus to sleep so she could have Hercules have some miss fortune  in the trajon war Zeus was furious with Hypnos , Zues wouldn't dare strike Hypnos down because he was frightened of getting Nyx angry.  The goddess was worshiped but out of fear, and other reasons but mostly out of fear. She was even feared by most titans and gods. Nyx spent some of her time in the Tartarutus with her son Thantos . Sometimes she is said to have stayed in a gloomy house in the west. She would past her daughter Hermara (goddess of day) at sunset and sunrise. Nyx was said to protect the spies in Trojan War. Nyx could call bring sleep or death on mankind. She is also not all bad though. Even though she is the symbol of the night she still can be good she could make even pain go away she was indeed a very powerful goddess.

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